Maker Meet-in: Product Photography Styling
Product Photography Styling: a Maker Meet-in led by Colby McLemore.
Product Photography Styling: a Maker Meet-in led by Colby McLemore.
Luck has little to do with it. It’s months of planning, years of feedback, and an unabridged enthusiasm for our creative community that makes up The Maker City Summit. That and makers.
Email Marketing: a Maker Meet-in led by Ron and Kate McKnight of Arkae.
Branding Breakdown: a Maker Meet-in led by Deanne Topping of Topping Consulting.
Intro to Craft Fairs: a Maker Meet-in led by Jessica Carr of Girls Gotta Eat Good Asian Bakery.
The Maker City is getting a new website. Learn more about the new Maker Directory!
The Price is Right: a Maker Meet-in led by Austin L Church of Freelance Cake + Balernum.
Instagram Reels: a Maker Meet-in led by Halee Sprinkle of Czech Yourself Marketing.