Organizational Tips to Kickstart Your New Year
Four experts X three tips each = one great start to 2020
Four experts X three tips each = one great start to 2020
Knoxville officially became The Maker City this year.
With generous support from the City of Knoxville and the inspired brand identity gifted to the City by local firm Designsensory, we have claimed Knoxville’s place on the national maker stage.
Read the full post to celebrate all we’ve accomplished together in The Maker City!
It seems like December 1 pops up on the calendar and the mad rush to reinvent our lives and improve all of our (perceived) shortcomings becomes our nagging focus. We look at our businesses, our fitness and health, our relationships – we reluctantly say “this year, I’m really going to do it!” and after a month or two, our goals peter out and we go back to the resignation that new year goals setting doesn’t work. Read on for Steph Crowder’s 5-Step goal setting activity that you can do at home!