Childlike Creative

Jewelry, accessories, décor, art, and furniture.

Childlike Creative was created by Jasmine “Jaz” Parks, transdisciplinary and multi-medium artist and current master of architecture candidate at the University of Tennessee.
She is very influenced and inspired by children and how they navigate and negotiate life, experimenting and responding in real time to everything. Kids are wise, candid, honest, bold, and they believe they can do anything and be anything or anyone. She admires their resilience, reliance on intuition, and playful experimentation and simple discovery of what it is like to be a human in the world through questioning and doing. Her undergraduate degree in child and family studies coupled with her first Masters degree in philosophy has resulted in an interesting personal and professional approach to making. Childlike Creative is the manifestation of both her personal ethos for making and the name of this shop and brand she has created. This shop carries jewelry, accessories, art, décor, and furniture designed for the sake of beauty and the joy of fun for lovers of beautiful things.

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