5 Things to Know About Joining Foothills Craft Guild
Foothills Craft Guild, the oldest craft guild in Tennessee, is about to begin its jurying process that gives Tennessee artisans an opportunity to join.
Foothills Craft Guild, the oldest craft guild in Tennessee, is about to begin its jurying process that gives Tennessee artisans an opportunity to join.
Four experts X three tips each = one great start to 2020
We hope you’ll join us at Blühen Botanicals on Thursday for The Maker City’s Holiday Maker Meetup. Here’s a taste of what to expect!
David Dewhirst talks about the future maker spaces at 1200 McCalla Ave.
So it’s Thanksgiving Day and maybe the conversation is wearing a little thin. You’ve exhausted the weather and bragged on the kids’ accomplishments. Hashed over the dishes weighing down the table. And you can’t talk politics without a potential food fight…
9 tips for tax season and why you should come to the next Make. Learn. Grow.
Chefs can create their menu at the venue with new mobile kitchen
Here are some fast facts about October’s Maker Meetup hosts.
A spicy story about one maker’s success as a member of The Maker City’s online directory.