Saturday is an up-your-game day… and also a UT game day.
Luck has little to do with it. It’s months of planning, years of feedback, and an unabridged enthusiasm for our creative community that makes up The Maker City Summit. That and makers.
We came, we saw, we table-hopped, we Q & A-ed, we networked, we got downright inspired and filled to the brim with new ideas. All at the click of a mouse. The Fifth Annual Maker City Summit occurred over two days — September 12 and 13. Even during a pandemic, it was a great success.
Here are some reasons why this year’s virtual Summit will be better than the other, older, so-last-year kind…
No matter where you are on your maker journey, you won’t believe all the experts who are coming on board for The Maker City Summit 2020 to help you.
We all know that much more goes into any creative endeavor than just sitting around all day making pretty things. For many Makers, the nuts and bolts of driving a successful business while still keeping the muse alive can be dizzying, intimidating and – sometimes – just too much.
The Maker City Summit workshops are here for you.