7 things business coaches have learned about the heart part of running your own business
The “heart part” of running a business is the topic of the July 18 Make. Learn. Grow. lunchtime learning session at KEC. Knoxville business coaches will discuss how to deal with rejection, loneliness, stress and how those things affect your ability to achieve your goals.
Need some thoughts to pique your interest? Here are some key takeaways from coaches Keith Galloway and Booth Andrews.
Booth Andrews
1. The way we have defined success isn’t serving us well. One of the things I would really encourage business owners to do is include wellbeing in their definition of success. – Booth Andrews
2. Every business owner needs to find someone to mentor them. It doesn’t have to be paid coach, but it’s very important to find someone who shares your values and is successful. – Keith Galloway
3. A lot of people who come to me (for coaching) are high performers, dreamers, they have a lot of capacity and may have pushed themselves very hard over a long period of time and are starting to experience symptoms – burnout, relationships suffering, health suffering. They’ve come to the realization the way they’re living and working isn’t working for them anymore but they’re not sure what to do about it. – Booth Andrews
4. You can look at somebody else and you can see what they should be doing. It’s like watching somebody else parent. But when we become emotionally attached it makes us a worse decision maker. – Keith Galloway
Keith Galloway
5. Business owners are passionate and driven. They created it for all kinds of reasons and the message they get is they have to be willing to give everything to be successful. Always be connected. Take every opportunity. Give up sleep. We buy into those messages and we stay always connected, we never take a vacation and we worry we’re not giving enough to be successful. Ultimately that results in the breakdown of all of our systems. We end up with chronic disease, and our relationships, our health is affected. Stress can be used as a tool to increase capacity but you also have to recover from stress, or you suffer and your business suffers. – Booth Andrews
6. Trying to identify the issues in your own business is like trying to read a book about an inch from the page. You’re so close to everything you have no idea what’s going on. – Keith Galloway
7. I have learned our bodies talk to us. They start with a whisper. If we don’t listen they start screaming, and eventually they’ll shut down. – Booth Andrews
Make. Learn. Grow | The Heart Part
Accounting, strategic planning, and marketing are all important parts of running a business. But what about the heart part? How do you deal with the fear of rejection? The loneliness that comes with being your one and only team member? What do you do to beat bad habits? What’s stopping you from achiveing your goals? Hear from these businesses coaches at the next Make. Learn. Grow. workshop on tackling these issues and more!
What: Lunchtime learning session with Knox-area business coaches on managing the emotional side of running a business
When: July 18, 12 – 1:30 pm
Where: Knoxville Entrepreneur Center, 17 Market Square, Suite #101
Sponsored by: The Maker City
Admission: Free, but register ahead of time!