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Why it’s important to register NOW for The Maker City Summit

Why the urgency? It’s all about access to the experts you want to talk with. 

The Maker City Summit 2019

If you’re new to the Summit, one very valuable aspect of The Maker City Summit on September 8  is the chance to schedule a 15-minute, one-on-one session with someone who can offer expertise in a particular field. Website creation, for instance. Or social media marketing. Or shooting product shots that will sell your stuff. In all, we have a lineup of about 20 experts who are ready to share their know-how with makers. You show up with your questions and concerns and get to pick said expert’s brain.

What’s new in 2019?

This year, we’re adding small table discussions to the mix.

You and 8 other makers will have the chance to spend 35 minutes with an expert discussing a particular topic. For example: Growing your audience in a meaningful way with Hope Brasfield of HopeBroidery.  LLCs vs. Sole Proprietorship with attorney David Morehous. Accounting: Ask me anything with Adrienne Webster. And lots of others.

time slots are filling up.

Don’t miss the expert that you need the most!

So if you don’t want to miss out, it’s time to get busy. Head on over here to get started. A day full of inspiration and information – along with morning coffee and goodies, lunch, snacks and evening cocktails – comes at the very reasonable price of $45. (That’s a whole lot less than a consultation fee.)

What are you waiting for? Seriously. Register now.

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We publish featured stories from local Knoxville makers, expert tips for starting and growing your maker business, and news you need to know!