Knoxville makers step up to offer help in coronavirus pandemic
Written by Carol Z. Shane for Knox News
Adaptation and Opportunity – Fork Design
The founder of the award-winning architectural firm is keen to guide others through – and celebrate – ‘the world as it is’
On the website of Fork Design, the architectural firm founded by Forrest Kirkpatrick, you’ll find the statement: “We design and build because it’s the best way to solve problems.” Early on in the pandemic, the company worked with local small businesses on a trade basis to make their spaces safer, and donated hanging plastic shields to the downtown Nourish Knoxville Farmers’ Market. So when Knoxville Montessori sent out the call for sturdy, removable Plexiglass table dividers about six weeks ahead of opening, Kirkpatrick was ready. “Without even blinking, I said ‘you can buy those online, but I will do something custom for you. And whatever it costs online, that’s what I’ll do it for.’”
Designing and building stylish, thoughtful architectural aids in pandemic management are part of his stock in trade these days. “I’ve been using my fabrication skills in ways that are responsive to the current situation,” he says. “Instead of seeing the table dividers as a necessity, we want to see them as an opportunity to adapt to the world as it is in not only a safe but also an aesthetically, tangibly pleasing way.”
Fork Design seeks to create attractive, site-enhancing designs as solutions to pandemic challenges. (Photo: Submitted by Forrest Kirkpatrick)
He made note of the tactile, warm woods used throughout the classrooms. “Plexiglass is plastic – a manufactured, inorganic material. To ground and balance that, I created some handmade maple butcher block brackets. It’s a small thing, but it’s a part of their learning experience.” Now, instead of facing ugly utilitarian dividers, the kids spend their days in an environment that looks natural and intentional. “The key is in those simple steps.”
Kirkpatrick says he feels led to help people through what can be difficult days. “I don’t think the pandemic is an isolated thing. I think we’ve entered the era of a changing world and we need to be adaptive and responsive, as opposed to reactive and static.” He’s currently in conversations with the City of Knoxville about implementing some of his ideas. “I don’t think that there ever was a ‘normal’; we just made ourselves think there was. And now we’re really seeing how fluid and changing the world is. Let’s look for opportunities to celebrate that.”
Style + Substance – Marc Nelson Denim
Local entities are grateful for funds and aid provided by the men’s boutique
During the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, Marc Nelson Denim (MND) owner Marcus Hall took a look at his in-house, top-of-the-line production staff and quickly applied their expertise in denim and custom-fit, high-quality menswear to the task of mask-making.
We started making them for retail, but we also wanted to help in the community. So we partnered with Knoxville-Knox County Emergency Management Agency (KEMA) in March for ‘Volunteer 2 Mask.’” The buy-one-donate-one initiative delivered 1,000 masks to the local government’s central point of contact for all major emergencies and disasters. Then Hall found other ways to help.
The makers at Marc Nelson Denim definitely know what city they live and work in. (Photo: Submitted)
“We started making masks for KaTom, a restaurant supply wholesaler, then we did a fundraiser for the YWCA.” With school starting, MND reached out to elementary schools. Now students from Shannondale, Norwood, Green Magnet and seven other schools are able to take the proper precautions.
By offering a multiple-ply, beautifully made and safe nonmedical-grade product, and combining sales with fundraising, MND’s aid to local groups is ongoing. “We’ve got the most comfortable and best-fitting mask on the market,” says Hall, including a workout mask made of Dri-Fit fabric. “It takes about two or three minutes to get used to it, and then I don’t even know I have it on.”
All are available at and at the store, 700 E. Depot Avenue
Business Savvy + Compassion – PostModern Spirits
When master distillers Stanton Webster and Ron Grazioso found 80% of their sales gone overnight, they creatively adapted in a way that benefited the community
Last spring, says Webster, “bars and restaurants were closing down – we couldn’t use our tasting room. We needed to make a pivot and do things differently.” With hand sanitizer flying off the shelves, creating a shortage for food industry professionals, nonprofits and others in the public arena, Webster says, “on the one hand we needed to find other revenue sources, but on the other hand there was a true need.”
So they did what they could to help, while still keeping an eye on the bottom line.“We’re not very big – we realized we couldn’t produce large quantities. We started letting people come by and fill up small containers for free. We were all in the same boat – struggling to find things that would keep us healthy.
Ron Grazioso, co-owner of PostModern Spirits. (Photo: Submitted)
“Then we worked on bottling with a bigger distributor and a wholesaler. We were able to take a smaller part in a much larger operation.”
Webster and Grazioso also decided to expand the liquor store side of the business, and grew distribution into Chattanooga. “We feel like we’ve navigated the change.
“There’s a lot of difficulty out there and it’s challenging for all of us, but it’s better than it was in April. Never a dull moment! The community has been so supportive of us – we’re very fortunate. We love being in Knoxville; we’re honored to help. These are the times when you’ve got to step up and do the work.”
Boundless Energy – Cheryl Burchett
The visual art teacher and multiple grant winner at Beaumont Magnet Academy is always ready with a creative solution and helping hand
“I have been making masks since mid-March, when I saw an article about the lack of PPE and how people were sewing cloth masks to help,” says Burchett. “I had fabric scraps and elastic so I asked some friends if they would want a mask and got a huge response.”She spent two months catching up on requests from her initial question. “I lost track of how many I made!” Then, knowing that Knox County Schools required compliance with the local mask mandate for all KCS staff and students, Burchett made masks for the Beaumont teachers.
Beaumont Magnet Academy visual arts teacher Cheryl Burchett in one of the countless masks she’s made since spring. This design is specifically for the Beaumont faculty. (Photo: Submitted by Cheryl Burchett)
“Our PTA had just made these really sweet signs for all the teachers that said they loved us and missed us. The signs had our bear mascot with a rainbow on its tummy.” Burchett chose it as her mask design; at BMA, each student belongs to a “bear family,” each represented by a different color.
“This bear with a rainbow was a reminder that we are all part of the Beaumont family even after months of being apart.”