
Mystical Fairy


Hi. My name is Claudia Holt, and I am the face behind MYSTICALFAIRY. I am a momma to one amazing young adult (Walter) and have been married to my incredible hubby(Douglas) for 23 years. We have one puppy (Rex) and live in Knoxville Tn.

My mission is to custom create beautiful handmade and personalized pieces of jewelry that truly tell a story, your story.

I truly believe that God created each and every one of us for a purpose, and when our purpose and our creativity come together we bring honor and glory to our Heavenly Father.

God is so kind and so faithful and He has truly taught me to trust in Him. Everything is a gift from Him and He continually shows me that all things happen in His timing. Whenever I find myself anxious or worried, He simply reminds me to keep my eyes on Him and trust that His grace and timing for Created are sufficient.

The Lord is a good good Father and He always has the best plan for us. It was scary for me to step out and start my own business, but He reminded me and continues to remind me that I am never alone. He is in it with me. He teaches me new things daily, and often times I learn the most when I step out of my comfort zone. He has truly shown me that creating isn’t about being perfect, it is about having a teachable spirit and a grateful heart.

MYSTICALFAIRY was founded on June 1st, 2021

Crochet by Catie Carter

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Crochet goods for moms and babies

I am a local crochet artisan bringing custom items to families, moms, and young children. I create unique products like Freezer Teethers and Face Mask Ear Warmers using all-natural materials. I have been crocheting for 30 years and I'm constantly learning new and fun ways to share my passion for creating! I love my city and I love my craft.

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