vintage license plate art

Ginger’s Gems & Junk


Nature based & upcycled home decor

Ginger’s gems & junk is a small business consisting of myself, my husband, and my dad. We are a team of fiery redheads who turn what some call junk into treasure. We work with raw wood and reclaimed wood sourced from local structures. We electrocute wood using the Lichtenberg technique as well - you have to see it! We also are avid rock and mineral collectors and sellers and often utilize them for our designs. We are “redneck fabulous” and part of our charm is seeing us in action.

2DAE2D9F-95FF-47D3-899B-A28449D0744B - Jayde Croschere.jpeg
D8A69633-8EBD-49E6-8716-AA36C2BC5368 - Jayde Croschere.jpeg