Bronze Statues, Metal Sculpture

Mary Ruden has been doing Public Art projects for over a decade; her influences come from her scientific background. Her recent work includes realistic bronze statues of famous women of Tennessee, that have been displayed in museums and in City Hall. Her work is in state parks, government buildings, and at the US Botanic Garden in Washington DC to honor the Centennial anniversary of the National Parks. She is a member of American Society of Botanical Artists and was “ Wildflower Pilgrimage Artist of the Year” in Gatlinburg, TN in 2017 with illustrations of endangered plants. Her two 7’ tall Fiberglass Orchid Flamingo sculptures were created for “Flamingos in Paradise” in Miami Beach, FL; a public art project based on a similar project to the “Cows” in Chicago. She also created “ Guitar Cow” for the CowParade in Austin, TX. Her sculptures and art of native orchids are in an online gallery of the North American Orchid Conservation Center, a Smithsonian partnership. She received an award for historic preservation from the East TN Preservation Alliance and does restoration of monuments.

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