Oh, the life of a maker…no two days are alike, there is always something to be done, and respect must be paid to the waves of creativity that come on their own agenda. So how do we make the most of our days without stifling our work?
Make. Learn. Grow. Food Trucks 101
Rest Insured: Know Your Health Insurance Options
Health insurance has long been a stumbling block for small business owners and their employees. Perhaps with the advent of association health plans and SHOP (Small Business Health Options Program) health insurance plans, this issue will trip up fewer makers and others on their way to making a living doing what they love.
15 Ways to Make Craft Fairs Work for You
5 Steps to Branding Your Maker Business
"Brand" is a buzz word that's thrown around a lot in reference to business, social media, and marketing. But what exactly is branding?
Jesse and Lauren Ray Wagner, co-owners of Nathanna Design Studio, recently led a Make. Learn. Grow. session at the Knoxville Entrepreneur Center about branding for makers. They've broken it down into 5 steps for developing a brand for you and your business.
Top Tips for Successful Selling at Craft Markets and Festivals
Kate Thurman and Alaina Smith have lots of experience selling from booths at craft fairs and markets. Alaina, who runs Cold Gold, has participated in 20+ craft fairs, and Kate of Smarty Pants Paper Co. has exhibited at craft fairs and trade shows and has created counter and floor displays for a product-based business. Both women have won awards for their craft fair booths. (Yeah, they're awesome.)
And they’ve shared some of their top tips for a successful day of selling at craft fairs.
8 reasons to get yourself in the Maker City Directory. ASAP.
If you are signed up for our email newsletter, attend Maker Meetups, or follow our social media, you've probably heard us talking about the Maker Directory. Again and again. And again. But you might be thinking, “What’s the big deal? What’s in it for me?”
Get Started Selling at Craft Fairs
STOP procrastinating and START selling at craft fairs.
How to find your fair and get in.
Are you ready to start selling in person? Have you applied to a craft fair and gotten the dreaded “maybe next time” email? This blog will show you how to find the fair that best fits you, and how to submit an application that will get you accepted!
Desire Over Discipline: 5 Step Process to Set Goals that Actually Stick
It seems like December 1 pops up on the calendar and the mad rush to reinvent our lives and improve all of our (perceived) shortcomings becomes our nagging focus. We look at our businesses, our fitness and health, our relationships - we reluctantly say "this year, I'm really going to do it!" and after a month or two, our goals peter out and we go back to the resignation that new year goals setting doesn't work. Read on for Steph Crowder's 5-Step goal setting activity that you can do at home!