Organizational Tips to Kickstart Your New Year
Four experts X three tips each = one great start to 2020
Four experts X three tips each = one great start to 2020
2018 was a big year for us. A really big year.
Oh, the life of a maker…no two days are alike, there is always something to be done, and respect must be paid to the waves of creativity that come on their own agenda. So how do we make the most of our days without stifling our work?
“Brand” is a buzz word that’s thrown around a lot in reference to business, social media, and marketing. But what exactly is branding?
Jesse and Lauren Ray Wagner, co-owners of Nathanna Design Studio, recently led a Make. Learn. Grow. session at the Knoxville Entrepreneur Center about branding for makers. They’ve broken it down into 5 steps for developing a brand for you and your business.