Mixed media

adam rowe


Each piece of artwork that I make addresses some curiosity of geometry. I use a mix of traditional materials and techniques with as much computer-based accuracy as I can get ahold of. Some of my work hangs on the wall, and some of it sits on a pedestal. In either case, I see everything as sculpture in terms of graphic design. (I'm qualified to use that term because I have a degree in it.)

Hippie Hollar

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Mixed media sculpture using paints, clays, and materials foraged from the woods of East Tennessee

Using traditional materials alongside sticks, leaves, and fungi found in the woods of East TN, I create sculptures and decor that reflect my taste for whimsy and love of the place I call home. With a particular focus on the weird and fantastical, my works include octopus/snowman hybrids, spindly-armed pumpkins with toothy grins, and wind chimes comprised of all sorts of bits and baubles. My sculptures make great conversation pieces and fit right into "weird Appalachia" aesthetic.

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