
Cattywampus Puppet Council


Cattywampus Puppet Council is a community-based arts nonprofit in Knoxville, TN. Over the past 8 years, Cattywampus has been bringing interactive parades, theater, play, and giant puppets to spaces across East Tennessee and the South, utilizing the arts as a vehicle for helping communities tell their stories, build relationships with one another, and cultivate power, joy, creativity, and justice together.

Aught Entrepreneurs


Aught is on a mission to change lives and local communities through female entrepreneurship, and offer support through community, our Redefine Mastermind and coworking offices in Knoxville. If you are finding yourself stuck in a construct of systems and rules that don’t work specifically for you, let us help you redesign your vision of entrepreneurship in your own terms. It is so much easier to do entrepreneurship together in a community that supports you wholeheartedly. Entrepreneurship can be scary and filled with uncertainty—we are here to provide a supportive community that cheers you on each step of the way.

The Big Camera


With the award of a Bailey Grant in 2017, Donna Moore, Anna Lawrence, and John Allen created The Big Camera! It is an Ultra Large Format Camera, Tiny Classroom & Mobile Darkroom! Sustained by Community Partnerships and generous funding via The East TN Foundation, Moore and Lawrence continue the mission of education and inspiring creativity throughout the Knoxville Community. The Big Camera specializes in making Alternative and Historic Photography Processes accessible to all!