
The Big Camera


With the award of a Bailey Grant in 2017, Donna Moore, Anna Lawrence, and John Allen created The Big Camera! It is an Ultra Large Format Camera, Tiny Classroom & Mobile Darkroom! Sustained by Community Partnerships and generous funding via The East TN Foundation, Moore and Lawrence continue the mission of education and inspiring creativity throughout the Knoxville Community. The Big Camera specializes in making Alternative and Historic Photography Processes accessible to all!

Summer Small

Paintings & Murals

Summer is a self taught professional Artist, working mostly in oil or acrylic. She loves to explore color and movement in her work and draws inspiration from traditional textiles. she enjoys working large-scale, creating pieces with an undeniable physical presence. You can find Summer selling prints and originals at many local and regional markets, painting murals around town, or simply enjoying a day downtown where she lives and works from a home-studio.


Knox Flair Signs

Hand painted signs for businesses and individuals

I create custom signs for all surfaces and purposes with a specialty in high quality hand painted signs. Since 2015, I've worked with clients on a wide range of projects from designing and fabricating original branding for them to enlarging preexisting logos for placement on the sides of buildings. From prominent marquee features to temporary seasonal window splash to old sign restoration, my work runs the gamut from big and small with the common thread running through all them being the attention to detail and first class materials.


Ashton Ludden

Ashton Ludden

My work explores our relationship with other living creatures as we become further removed from the natural world. I primarily create detailed prints using multiple printmaking processes, such as hand-engraving on copper, monotype, and wood engraving. More recently, I've been also creating large weavings from salvaged plastic, experimenting with clay, and mural work. Through my work, I share the wild around us and consider our everyday actions that affect it directly or indirectly. My work aims to evoke a renewal of attentiveness, conversation, and respect for other living beings.

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Curtis Glover Creative

Curtis Glover

Murals, art, live art

I've been painting large-scale murals in the Knoxville area for the last 2 1/2 years since I went out on my own. From bars, restaurants, schools, city buildings and park walls, I have worked with numerous local businesses by visually and physically interpreting their ideas to help their business grow and become eye-catching. I do not plan to stop any time soon and hope to create some sort of art movement in this city which is already happening.

Curtis Glover
Curtis Glover
Curtis Glover
Curtis Glover