Nouvella Vous

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Apparel with deadstock linen

Nouvella Vous is ethical and sustainable fashion that doesn't involve mass production. With that being said each piece is made to order to eliminate fabric waste and provide craftsmanship with each individual piece. The fabric is locally sourced 100% linen deadstock fabric, then cut and sewn by me with 100% cotton thread. I believe in using natural materials throughout all aspects of the design process to provide the least amount of impact on our world. This brand is a combination of social justice and design to provide impact in the lives of others globally and throughout our community. I believe in working together to provide change through giving 100% of proceeds from the Found collection towards missionary work. What is the Found collection? I believe that sustainable + ethical clothing should be attainable to all - if you are unable to shop new then shop second hand! With that being said I want to be a space that provides you with 100% natural fiber found pieces that I myself have curated for you.

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