
Childlike Creative


Childlike Creative was created by Jasmine "Jaz" Parks, transdisciplinary and multi-medium artist and current master of architecture candidate at the University of Tennessee. She is very influenced and inspired by children and how they navigate and negotiate life, experimenting and responding in real time to everything. Kids are wise, candid, honest, bold, and they believe they can do anything and be anything or anyone. She admires their resilience, reliance on intuition, and playful experimentation and simple discovery of what it is like to be a human in the world through questioning and doing. Her undergraduate degree in child and family studies coupled with her first Masters degree in philosophy has resulted in an interesting personal and professional approach to making. Childlike Creative is the manifestation of both her personal ethos for making and the name of this shop and brand she has created. This shop carries jewelry, accessories, art, décor, and furniture designed for the sake of beauty and the joy of fun for lovers of beautiful things.

Jessica Burleson Art


Paintings exploring the exploitation of femininity and nature

Jessica is a Panamanian-American artist that found her first love of art within Panamanian culture & nature. Influenced by the abundant flora and fauna found in the Panama Rainforests, her creations find a connection with in femininity and nature. Delicate feminine elements of the traditional handmade headdresses & garments worn in Panamanian folk dancing can also be found in her work.

The consumption of divine femininity, nature & art is her inspiration in creating. Conceptually exploring the exploitation of femininity & nature; thus injecting and stripping sanctity and power. Her works are both material and delicate with savory textures. Composing impossibly thick, icing like, touch worthy feminine floral elements. A visual delicacy you can only hope to resist the temptation to touch.


Hippie Hollar

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Mixed media sculpture using paints, clays, and materials foraged from the woods of East Tennessee

Using traditional materials alongside sticks, leaves, and fungi found in the woods of East TN, I create sculptures and decor that reflect my taste for whimsy and love of the place I call home. With a particular focus on the weird and fantastical, my works include octopus/snowman hybrids, spindly-armed pumpkins with toothy grins, and wind chimes comprised of all sorts of bits and baubles. My sculptures make great conversation pieces and fit right into "weird Appalachia" aesthetic.

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