Life Coaching

Bad Women Company

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Women’s Self-Care & Confidence building

A women’s confidence company with an all around “outlaw” approach. I’m a licensed esthetician by trade, a women empowerment coach, & an energy healing practitioner. My goal is to give women the tools they need to build their own confidence through self-care & spirituality. Im also working on a non-profit under BWC that hosts anonymous meetings to create a safe & comfortable environment for women & children who may need help. It’s there if you need to breathe, talk, make moves, whatever it is- the resources are available. I’m not a divorce activist, I’m not a women’s shelter & im not there to tell anyone how to live their life. I’m there with resources I realized didn’t exist. I’m there for women like me, the ones no one expects to be in a situation like that so no one reaches out. Giving women the resources, tools, a friend- allows them to grow stronger & make more clear decisions. Women were not built to be charity cases, to be sitting in a home filled with things they have no attachment to, after making what could be the hardest decisions of their life. So I help them build.

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